Digital Economy and Society in Lithuania
(edition 2022)
60 per cent of persons aged 16–74 (68 per cent of internauts in this age group) bought or ordered goods or services via the Internet at least once per 12 months (in 2021, 60 and 69 per cent respectively). E-commerce was used in the period of 3 months before the survey by 46 per cent of the population aged 16–74 (52 per cent of internauts in this age group). Compared to the previous year, the proportion of e‑commerce users decreased by 4 percentage points. It is likely that in 2021, the proportion of e-commerce users was particularly high because of the quarantine due to COVID-19, and that in 2022, a part of the population has returned to their usual shopping places. More than three quarters (77 per cent) of the population aged 25–34 and only 9 per cent of persons aged 65–74 used e‑commerce in 3 months.
Persons who bought or ordered goods or services online
The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators
Persons who bought or ordered goods or services online by age group, 2022
The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators
E‑commerce was mostly used to buy clothing, footwear, accessories (63 per cent of e‑commerce users), cosmetics, beauty or wellness products (32 per cent), medicines, dietary supplements, vitamins (31 per cent), deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains, catering services (29 per cent), food products or beverages from shops (26 per cent), furniture and interior accessories (23 per cent), household appliances or consumer electronics (22 per cent).
Persons who bought or ordered goods or services online by commodity and service group, 2022
In the last 3 months
The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators
Persons who bought (ordered) goods or services online by country of seller of goods and services
In the last 3 months
The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators
Based on the 2022 survey data, in the period of 3 months before the survey, the Internet was used for financial purposes by 21 per cent of population aged 16–74. Insurance policies were those the most frequently purchased or renewed. This service was used by 19 per cent of persons. The Internet was used to receive a loan or credit from the bank or other financial service provider by 4 per cent of persons; shares, bonds or fund products were the least frequently purchased (2 per cent).
Persons who used the Internet for financial purposes by age group, 2022
In the last 3 months
The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators
For more terms and explanations, please see the Dictionary of Statistical Terms.