
Virtual workshop on Business Statistics: Statistical Business Register and Business Demography Statistics from Statistics through Eastern Partnership programme (STEP)

In implementing the EU-funded regional cooperation programme “Statistics through Eastern Partnership” (STEP), within the framework of the project C2.4 “Business Statistics: SBR and Business Demography Statistics”, on 22–25 September 2020, Statistics Lithuania hosted an on-line workshop during which experts of Statistics Lithuania together with key expert Mr Thierry Coulet continued to provide assistance to colleagues from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in the field of statistical business register.

The workshop was aimed at enhancing the statistical business registers of the partner countries with the identification of local units, kind of activity units (KAUs) and groups, and with the introduction of new and/or more detailed economic and links characteristics in the statistical business registers managed by the partner countries.

The workshop relied on a detailed presentation by the short-term experts (STEs) of the EU methodology related to these issues and on an extended sharing of the partner countries’ experiences in this respect, followed by questions/answers sessions.