COVID-19 statistics

COVID-19: Statistics serving Europe

 COVID-19 statistics

In order to respond to the demands for information arising from this crisis, Eurostat has launched a new dedicated section on its website, bringing together a wide range of statistics and data published that are related to COVID-19. These provide a baseline against which the economic and social impact of the pandemic can be measured.

The new COVID-19 section covers a range of topics related to the ‘economy’, ‘society and work’, ‘population and health’ as well as ‘agriculture, energy, transport and tourism’. For each of these topics, we show our latest releases, provide interactive data visualisation to explore the figures, link to more in-depth information and list of relevant data sets.

The dedicated section provides links to COVID-19 information on the websites of the NSIs of the EU Member States, the EFTA countries and the United Kingdom.

The ‘Support to statisticians’ section brings together all the new guidelines and methodological notes and will be regularly updated as new guidelines are developed. It is primarily aimed at statisticians who compile data in the NSIs, but these guidelines may interest anyone who wants to understand the methods Eurostat and NSIs are using to continue collecting and publishing high-quality official statistics.


European Statistical Recovery Dashboard.

COVID-19. Europos statistika
