Lithuanian Classification of Occupations (LPK)

The Lithuanian Classification of Occupations is managed by the Talent Policy group of the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania.

The Lithuanian Classification of Occupations is a tool for the grouping of data on occupations, enabling the analysis of and the outlook for the Lithuanian labour market and comparison of those data at the international level. The classification is based on an internationally recognised concept of occupation, where occupation is related to work carried out by an individual.


Website contains the Lithuanian Classification of Occupations (LPK). The effective version of the classification – LPK 2023 – has been prepared according to the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO‑08.

Should you have any questions about classifications, please feel free to contact:
Danguolė Andriuškevičienė
Chief specialist
Tel. +370 652 11 761

Document updated: 2024-07-03