
In June 2024, the number of dismissed employees amounted to 56.7 thousand and, against May 2024, increased by 4.7 thousand, the number of hired employees stood at 57.9 thousand, which was by 5.6 thousand more than in the previous month.

In May 2024, average gross (before employee taxes) monthly earnings (individual enterprises excluded) in the whole economy amounted to EUR 2,178.9 and, against May 2023, increased by 9.3 per cent.

In May 2024, compared to April, the prices for exported goods decreased by 0.3 per cent, those for imported goods increased by 0.1 per cent.

At the end of June 2024, there were 11,420 newly registered passenger motor cars, which is by 59 or 0.5 per cent less than in the same period of 2023.

In May 2024, the volume of construction work carried out in the country amounted to EUR 516.2 million at current prices.

2024-07-12 Accidents at work This new release is not translated into English.