
In May 2024, against April, the economic sentiment indicator, i.e. confidence of economic actors – producers, consumers and investors – in Lithuania’s economy, increased from -4.6 to -2.4 per cent.

At the end of April 2024, the debt of the central government amounted to EUR 28.4 billion and, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, increased by 13.3 per cent.

In I quarter 2024, average gross hourly earnings in the whole economy (individual enterprises excluded) totalled EUR 13.05 and, against IV quarter 2023, decreased by 0.2 per cent.

At the end of April 2024, the number of passenger cars newly registered in our country totalled 11,922, that is by 788, or 7.1 per cent more than in the same period in 2023.

In April 2024, the number of overnight stays in the accommodation establishments totalled 571.2 thousand, which is by 0.1 per cent less than in the same period of 2023.

2024-05-31 Gross domestic product second estimate In I quarter 2024, the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to EUR 17.1 billion at current prices. The estimate was obtained through application of econometric models based on available statistical data. Compared to IV quarter 2023, the real GDP change, seasonally and calendar adjusted, was positive and stood at 0.8 per cent.
Basic social benefit
Minimum monthly wage
Minimum hourly pay