Big data



   Enterprises analysing big data

In 2019, 10.5 per cent of enterprises analysed big data sets (in 2017, 13.7 per cent). 5.4 per cent of enterprises analysed the data stored in their smart devices or sensors themselves, 8.2 per cent – analysed geolocation data received from portable devices, 6.8 per cent – used the data received from social media. In 8.7 per cent of enterprises, big data analysis was carried out by enterprise staff, while 3.4 per cent of enterprises hired external specialists. In 2019, 0.7 per cent of enterprises sold access to their big data, 1.4 per cent – bought access to big data.

Enterprises which analysed big data sets

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Per cent13.713. TotalGeolocation dataData from mediaOwn dataOther data sources0358101315

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


Enterprises which analysed big data sets, by economic activity

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