
Expansion of the Official Statistics Portal

Historical statistics – accessible to everyone

In 2014, Statistics Lithuania expanded the Official Statistics Portal (OSP) with new services. From now on, OSP visitors may find in the Database of Indicators not only modern but also interwar and Soviet Lithuania statistical indicators, in the new e-library – statistical publications; moreover, access to confidential statistical data for scientific purposes was facilitated.

In 2013, as a result of the implementation of the OSP project, a website providing multifunctional access to statistical information produced and services provided by official statistics institutions was created. At the final stage of the project, a plan was made to expand the range of services. During 2014, a new statistical e-library was created, containing electronic copies of statistical publications stored in the Library-Bookshop of Statistics Lithuania; statistical indicators published in historical statistical publications were integrated into the Database of Indicators; remote access to confidential statistical data for scientific purposes was created.

The idea of integrating historical indicators into the Database of Indicators is simple – the statistical indicators which until then were available only in the old publications stored in the archive of the Library of Statistics Lithuania are now provided in a modern database, which was supplemented with two new domains – interwar and Soviet Lithuania.

Users may use those historical indicators in the same manner as modern statistics, i.e.:

- view more detailed information on a selected historical statistical indicator;
- create graphs and diagrams from selected indicators; 
- view publications related to the selected indicator;
- compare different indicators for the same period;
- perform the main calculation functions;
- save formed tables in the user account or export them to available formats;
- share information in social networks.

The e-library created within the framework of the OSP expansion project meets all the requirements for such libraries. All paper interwar and Soviet Lithuania statistical publications stored in the Library-Bookshop were digitalised. Paper media were converted to Adobe PDF format with a text search option. Each computer file kept the layout and typographical attributes of the original publication (for the electronic publication to be available for quotation); it is possible to copy and paste information from the file. Apart from statistical publications, bibliographic entries of other publications stored in the Library-Bookshop of Statistics Lithuania, which can be read in the Library, are available in the e-library.

Facilitated access to confidential statistical data for scientific purposes was provided for scientists. The secure access created allows scientists to work with confidential statistical data remotely, using SPSS or R statistical software packages. This e-service will essentially change the current direct contact-based procedure.

The OSP expansion project provides access to official Lithuanian statistics (both modern and historical) and statistical services for all users; users are provided more statistical indicators; the resources of the Library-Bookshop of Statistics Lithuania became easier accessible in the e-library; access to data for scientific purposes was modernised.

The creation of additional OSP functionality within the framework of the project entitled "Official Statistics Portal" was financed from the EU European Regional Development Fund and State budget of the Republic of Lithuania.