
Seminar for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Countries (EECCA) on “Quality in Statistics: Administrative Data and Official Statistics”


On 4–6 September, a high-level seminar for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia countries (EECCA) entitled "Quality in Statistics: Administrative Data and Official Statistics", organised by Eurostat, took place in Vilnius. As the seminar was held during the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council, Statistics Lithuania assisted in organising the event. Moreover, experts from Statistics Lithuania prepared 4 presentations for the seminar.

The seminar was attended by 22 representatives of statistical offices of 11 countries, Eurostat, international organisations (UNECE, EFTA), invited speakers from the statistical offices of Estonia, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Norway, Turkey and Lithuania. The seminar covered such topics as quality systems of the statistical offices of different member states and the European Statistical System, quality issues in the statistical offices of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia countries, further cooperation strategy and plans (see the Agenda).

More information about the seminar is available at