Demographic characteristics
Standard of living of households with children
Number of preschool education institutions and number of places in preschool education institutions
Children in pre-primary education in preschool education institutions and general schools
Number of institutions and children in special-purpose education groups
Number of groups and children educated under pre-primary education curricula
Labour market
Juvenile delinquency
Social protection
Number of child care institutions and families at the end of year
Number of children in child care institutions and families by sex
Number of children in child care institutions and families by age group
Child care institutions and children in them by municipality
Families (family care homes) and foster children in them by municipality
Number of pupils receiving free school meals by municipality
Expenditure on State social insurance maternity and paternity benefits by municipality
Number of recipients of benefits for families bringing up children by municipality
Expenditure on benefits for families bringing up children by municipality
Responsible person:
Augustė Norvaišaitė
Specialist of Social Protection, Health, Education and Culture Statistics Division
Tel. +370 651 79 187