A scoreboard for monitoring indicators of the national progress plan has been prepared


The State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania) presents a new scoreboard, created at the initiative of the Office of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, for monitoring the implementation of the 2021–2030 National Progress Plan (NPP).

The scoreboard can be found here.

The purpose of the scoreboard is to provide conditions for monitoring the implementation of the strategic goals and objectives set in the national progress plan, to get acquainted both with general progress indicators and progress indicators of horizontal principles.

Preparation, development and dissemination of NPP monitoring indicators is one of the tasks provided for in the State Data Governance Programme and carried out in the State Data Governance Information System (SDG IS). Data displayed on the scoreboard are collected from international institutions (Eurostat, the European Commission and other publicly available sources), some values are calculated by the State Data Agency, other indicators, since March 2023, have been provided by various state authorities. The scoreboard demonstrates indicator values since 2018.

"Since last spring, we have been cooperating with a number of national institutions, with the help of which we have prepared a convenient and accessible tool for everyone. The Plan approved by the Government and the recently adopted Lithuania’s vision for the future "Lithuania 2050" envisage significant changes necessary to create such a country and future where a high-quality life would be ensured for all. The newly prepared scoreboard will allow the public to monitor how the goals set are being implemented", noticed Dr Jūratė Petrauskienė, Director General of the State Data Agency.

The 2021-2030 NPP was approved to identify key changes for the next decade, ensuring progress in the social, economic, environmental and security fields. To overcome the most complex challenges and problems of Lithuania, 10 strategic goals have been set.

Progress objectives have been planned for each strategic goal, and indicators with specific values are used to measure them. Strategic goals and progress objectives of the Plan are complemented by horizontal principles that aim to consistently and comprehensively shape certain attitudes and behaviours necessary for the implementation of all strategic goals and progress objectives.

On 23 December 2023, the Seimas approved Lithuania's vision for the future "Lithuania 2050", the success of which will be assessed by monitoring and analysing 28 indicators. A substantial part of them will be calculated based on the data of the planned Long-term Social Survey of Lithuania (LSSL), as well as the results of the Fertility and Family Survey (FFS).

Indicators of the vision for the future "Lithuania 2050" will appear on the SDG IS scoreboard and will be published on the website of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania after updating the NPP and determining the values of their achievement according to the duration of the NPP implementation. List of vision indicators can be found here.