Predefined tables
Farming structure and agricultural censuses
Farms, land and land use
Farms larger than 1 ha by area of utilised agricultural land
Change in the number of farms larger than 1 ha and utilised agricultural area
Number and standard output of farms larger than 1 ha by economic size class
Number and standard output of farms larger than 1 ha by type of farming
Average size of farms by agricultural land and number of farms
Number of farms and utilised agricultural area by administrative territory
Use of agricultural land on farmers’ and family farms by sex of the farm holder
Agricultural crop area
Agricultural crop area of farms larger than 1 ha by administrative territory
Area under some agricultural crops by administrative territory
Farm animals
Farms larger than 1 ha keeping farm animals by number of livestock units
Number of farms that breed cattle and number of cattle by administrative territory
Number of farms that breed pigs and number of pigs by administrative territory
Number of farms that breed dairy cows and number of dairy cows by administrative territory
Number of farms that breed poultry and number of poultry by administrative territory
Work in agriculture
Agricultural production methods and irrigation
Methodology for compilation of the price index of goods and services purchased for agricultural production (No DĮ‑17, 2025)
Methodology for purchase prices index of agricultural products (No DĮ‑115, 2024)
Methodology for the statistical survey of plant protection products supplied on the market (No DĮ‑257, 2023)
Statistical survey methodology of agricultural crop area, production and yield (No DĮ‑169, 2023)
Methodology for the statistical survey of the use of plant protection products in agriculture (No DĮ‑167, 2023)
Agricultural structure statistical survey methodology (No DĮ‑79, 2023)
Methodology for the statistical survey of production, intermediate consumption and value added of agricultural economic activity, output indexes (No DĮ‑384, 2021)
Methodology for compiling natural balances of plant and animal products (No DĮ‑338, 2021)
Methodology for calculation of the first and second estimates of the economic accounts for agriculture indicators (No DĮ‑376, 2021)
Methodology for the 2020 Agricultural Census (No DĮ‑192, 2019)
For more information, see metadata.
Document updated: 2025-02-10
Agricultural land sale-purchase and rental market prices
(Agricultural Information and Rural Business Center) -
Broiler chickens eggs placed in an incubator and broiler chichens hatched
Main financial indicators of agricultural companies (enterprises)
Organic farming
(Agricultural Information and Rural Business Center)
Document updated: 2023-11-21