
In August 2024, against the same period of 2023, the volume of goods carried by rail transport decreased by 3.5 per cent, tonne-kilometres – by 6.9 per cent.

In II quarter 2024, the number of outbound tourists totalled 470.9 thousand, or 3.6 per cent more than in the same period of 2023, the average duration of a trip abroad – 7.4 overnight stays.

In August 2024, the number of passengers who arrived at and departed from Lithuanian airports amounted to 662,3 thousand, which is by 10.3 per cent more than in the same period last year.

In August 2024, the amount of goods handled in Klaipėda State Seaport and Būtingė Terminal totalled 4.2 million tonnes, and compared to the respective period of 2023, increased by 21.9 per cent.

In August 2024, the number of dismissed employees amounted to 70.4 thousand and, against July 2024, increased by 17.1 thousand, the number of hired employees stood at 48.3 thousand, which was by 6.3 thousand less than in the previous month.

2024-09-13 Labour market situation overview Labour market situation, August 2024: overview (PDF, only in Lithuanian)2024 m. rugsėjo 1 d. šalyje registruota 160,6 tūkst. darbo neturinčių asmenų, Registruotas nedarbas šalyje rugpjūčio mėn. didėjo 0,2 proc. punkto ir buvo 8,8 proc. Per mėnesį registruoto nedarbo rodikliai didėjo 54 iš 60 šalies savivaldybių, 3-ose savivaldybėse mažėjo, 3-ose išliko nepakitę. Rugpjūtį darbdaviai įregistravo 15 tūkst. laisvų darbo vietų – 1,5 tūkst. arba 9,1 proc. mažiau nei liepą. Rugpjūtį dirbti pradėjo 17 tūkst. Užimtumo tarnybos klientų, t. y. 0,4 proc. daugiau nei liepą.
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