
Data of the State Plant Service and the State Tax Inspectorate are open

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Data on the characteristics of social benefit recipients are open

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Baltijos šalių nacionalinių statistikos tarnybų priežiūros komiteto susitikimas

Š.m. balandžio 27 d. Valstybės duomenų agentūros generalinė direktorė dr. Jūratė Petrauskienė Vilniuje sutiko kolegas iš Latvijos Centrālā statistikas pārvalde ir Estijos Statistikaamet. Dvi...

Data of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania and the State Plant Service are open

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Five datasets of the Radiation Protection Centre have been opened

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Strengthening of compulsory health insurance mechanisms in Azerbaijan

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Dr Jūratė Petrauskienė made a report at the conference "Lithuanian Digitization Progress"

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Development of statistical literacy is an important task of State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania)

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