
Expert consultations to Statistics Ukraine

On 15–17 and 29 November 2021, the second stage of the Virtual National Statistical System (NSS) Coordination Group took place. During the seminars, the participants – representatives of Armenia, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan – were provided with expert consultations on the NSS coordination.  The countries have prepared the NSS coordination guidelines and action plans and presented them during the seminars. The delegated EU experts (representatives of statistical offices of Denmark, Hungary, the United Kingdom, Italy, France and Lithuania) provided recommendations on better NSS coordination in the process of official statistics production and dissemination. Specialists of Statistics Lithuania provided consultations to the representatives of Statistics Ukraine on coordination and cooperation with other national institutions producing and managing official statistics and shared good practices. They also pointed out that strong legal framework is needed to ensure the NSS coordination. The seminars were held remotely (online).