
COVID-19: Statistics Lithuania works in quarantine mode

As soon as the quarantine was announced, employees of Statistics Lithuania consistently started teleworking. Currently, over 400 employees work from home. Both the central office in Gedimino Ave. in Vilnius and the territorial divisions are closed. The employees are allowed to visit the work premises only when necessary, e.g. to ensure the performance of information systems and communication.

All of our services and services which were provided directly (consulting, statistical literacy training, etc.) are now provided only remotely. Nonetheless, we remain open to the public: you can contact us during our regular working hours by phone and emails provided on the Official Statistics Portal or via Statistics Lithuania profile on Facebook.

Our goal is to reorganize our activities so that users of statistical information would not feel any negative changes and to continue providing services: publish information on the Official Statistic Portal, respond to user inquiries, promote students’ statistical literacy, and respond as promtly as possible to the information needs of society.

More information is available at COVID-19: Statistics Lithuania works in quarantine mode

Will statistical information be published on time?

Statistics Lithuania will make every effort to publish statistical information according to the calendar provided on the Official Statistics Portal, as provided in the Official Statistics Programme. Any risk of delay will be announced in advance.

Our priority – monthly news releases which promptly show changes in the national economy. In the next two months, we plan to publish news releases on price indices, retail trade and catering, activity of industrial enterprises, foreign trade as well as changes in business and population opinion over a month, inflation forecast. In addition, we will prepare up-to-date information on changes in the number of operating entities as we already receive information about enterprises which terminate or stop their activity. We also expect to estimate changes in migration flows or increase in turnover of enterprises trading in food products. Such information will be published to the public as soon as possible. This is our commitment at this difficult time.

How will we ensure the collection of statistical data and production of information?

In response to radically changed situation, we have urgently reorganized our statistical data collection processes by eliminating any possibility of direct contact. We have taken preventive measures to ensure the quality and timeliness of the statistical data and statistics produced on the basis thereof.

With the view of ensuring uninterrupted receipt of administrative data, we cooperate and coordinate our actions with administrative data providers.

One of the biggest challenges is to estimate inflation during the pandemic. In order to protect our employees who register prices every month for more than 4,000 trade and service enterprises and to reduce the spread of the virus, we cooperate with retail chains regarding help in collecting price data we need. At this difficult time, this partnership is particularly important.

What changes for statistical survey respondents?

We are grateful to the enterprises participating in the surveys which at this challenging time provide statistical data within specified terms and cooperate with our specialists. The data provided by the respondents are particularly important for ensuring the quality of short-term statistical information when administrative data sources are not yet available.

We encourage respondents to submit statistical reports electronically and to inform about temporary suspension of business activity. If business activity is suspended, we invite to submit statistical reports before the term ends.

In April, the interviewers will not visit the persons sampled for statistical surveys. Those who have received a letter from Statistics Lithuania are invited to fill in the statistical questionnaires online and to provide information to the interviewers by phone.

More information is available at e. Statistika verslui and e. Statistika gyventojams.

Remote training on statistical literacy. Pupils are invited to join!

Every week, from Wednesday to Wednesday, we will provide easier quizzes and give prizes! Follow us on Facebook or visit the Official Statistics Portal page for pupils

Statistics Lithuania offers the teachers and pupils to use tasks that have been prepared for this year’s European Statistics Competition. They are provided in pdf* format. The tasks are intended for the 8th–12th grade pupils.

We also invite you to remember our previously prepared virtual lesson.

More information is available at Statistical tasks for pupils and teachers.

COVID-19 in statistics. A set of interactive maps

We have developed a set of interactive maps which allow analysis of various statistical data related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The maps provided in the set are produced by other authors and present information on COVID-19 for Vilnius, Lithuania and the world and the latest available official statistics on the country’s population, composition, density, morbidity in terms of certain chronic diseases, health care facilities and their staff as well as indicators showing the situation of businesses affected by the quarantine.

More information is available at Set of maps.


All relevant information is available on the Official Statistics Portal.