Among other priorities The State Data Agency strategy for 2023–2027 focuses on the 3rd direction “Ensure symbiotic partnership“, which envisages active participation in the development of the global statistics and EU legislative process, strengthening of communication and cooperation on the global arena / international  scale, and sharing of best practices thereof.


The regional EU Eastern Partnership project STEP has been completed

In 2019-2022 the EU regional project for ENP-East countries  Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia (Statistics through Eastern Partnership – STEP), was implemented by consortium led by Expertise France together with partners: Statistics Lithuania, ISTAT (Italy), INSEE (France), Statistics Denmark and HCSO (Hungary).  

8 experts from Statistics Lithuania took an active part in this project  providing training, technical assistance, organising workshops  in various statistical fields such as business register, business demography, gender statistics, quality, population census  and coordination of NSS.