
In July 2024, the consumer confidence indicator stood at 4 and, compared to June 2024, decreased by 3 percentage points.

In 2023, gross agricultural production totalled EUR 3.7 billion, compared to 2022,  decreased by EUR 0.9 billion.

In May 2024, the turnover (VAT excluded) of service enterprises amounted to EUR 3 billion 507 million at current prices, and against April 2024.

In May 2024, against the same period of 2023, resources of crude petroleum grew by 12.6 per cent.

In 2023, the largest amount of meat (as well as other animal products) was produced on Lithuanian farms in the Central and Western Lithuania Region – 232.6 thousand tonnes, in the Capital Region – 104.9 thousand tonnes.

2024-07-29 The July inflation provisional estimate calculated based on the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) The annual (July 2024, compared to July 2023) inflation provisional estimate calculated based on the HICP stands at 1.1 per cent. In July, the average annual inflation provisional estimate calculated based on HICP stands at 1.9 per cent.