In IV quarter 2024, against the same quarter of 2023, labour costs per hour worked in industrial, construction and service enterprises (individual enterprises included), calendar adjusted, increased by 10.6 per cent, of which in business enterprises – 9 per cent.

In IV quarter 2024, average net monthly earnings in the whole economy (individual enterprises included) amounted to EUR 1,424.4 and, compared to III quarter 2024, increased by 4 per cent.

Based on provisional data, at the beginning of March 2025, 2 million 890 thousand residents were living in Lithuania, which is by 0.3 thousand less than at the beginning of the 2025.

In 2024, against 2023, cargo transport by all modes of transport increased by 10.3 per cent, the turnover of cargo transport increased by 3.9 per cent.

In IV quarter 2024, against III quarter 2024, the average number of employees in the whole economy (individual enterprises excluded) decreased by 4.3 thousand (0.3 per cent).
2025-03-04 Earnings in regions and municipalities In IV quarter 2024, gross earnings gap between regions was EUR 405 In IV quarter 2024, in the Capital Region, average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy (individual enterprises excluded) amounted to EUR 2,558.5 and, compared to III quarter 2024, increased by 4.2 per cent. In the Central and Western Lithuania Region, gross earnings amounted to EUR 2,153.9 and, over a quarter, grew by 4.5 per cent. In IV quarter 2024, gross earnings gap between these regions was EUR 405 and, over a quarter, increased by EUR 10.
Changes in prices for consumer goods and services
2025-03-10 February 2025
"Agromarket" No 3 (461)
Migration Yearbook
2025-03-10 2024
Influence of the most commonly purchased consumer goods and services on general change in consum...
Price changes of the most commonly purchased consumer goods and services
Trip of an incoming foreigner or outgoing of the Republic of Lithuania
Contribution on the overall change in consumer prices