Labour Market in Lithuania (edition 2019)
About the publication
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The aim of the electronic publication “Labour market in Lithuania” is to provide statistical information on employment, unemployment, job vacancies, earnings and labour costs, strikes and other statistical information on labour market in Lithuania and the European Union in a visually attractive and convenient manner.
Statistical information on employed persons is provided by sex, age, economic activity, occupational group; on unemployment – by sex, age, job search method, duration of unemployment; on job vacancies – by economic activity and regions. Earnings indicators in the whole economy are provided by sectors (public and private), economic activity, enterprise size class, and labour costs – by economic activity.
As in other electronic publications of Statistics Lithuania, this publication not only presents the statistical indicators but also allows the readers to examine them in more detail: the sources present the tables having longer time series with the possibility to supplement them with new dimensions, etc. All graphic material can be downloaded and used for own purposes by indicating the source.
Statistical information is prepared based on the data of statistical surveys carried out by Statistics Lithuania and administrative sources.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the Statistics Dissemination and Communication Division of Statistics Lithuania by E‑mail:
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Digital publication “Labour market in Lithuania” ISSN 2669-0152
© Statistics Lithuania, 2019