Regions of Lithuania (edition 2023)



© G. Kakaras picture

Information is not updated; you can find the latest information in the Database of Indicators.

One of the main development objectives of Lithuania is the reduction of social and economic disparities between and within its regions, maintenance of the individuality of each region, alongside the stimulation of an even development across the country. In the context of globalisation and informatisation, forsaken regions, which were not paid adequate attention, may become peripheries, whose residents will be faced with difficulties in responding to challenges and developing a harmonised, comfortable environment. Therefore, it is vital to know more about the regions of the country – their strengths and weaknesses, the current situation, and development possibilities. Such an objective is hardly achievable given the lack of regional statistics.

The publication on the regions of Lithuania provides a possibility to take a closer look at the counties and municipalities. The publication provides the official statistics – social and demographic, economic, environmental and other indicators of the regions. We hope that statistical information provided in the publication, which allows comparing the regions of Lithuania and their municipalities in many important aspects, will be useful when discussing their development alternatives and taking strategic decisions, planning the funds of the state and municipal budgets and assistance of the European Union Structural Funds, as well as to investors panning on economic expansion, the locals, tourists and other people who would like to take a deeper look at the situation of the regions of Lithuania and their development trends.

Please note that this publication provides statistical indicators as of December 2022. Since statistical information is regularly updated, the publication also provides links to the Database of Indicators where you can find the most recent indicators and their dynamics.

The publication is published every year, as well as updated and improved until the very end of the year based on the latest statistical information and consumers' needs.

If you have any questions or suggestions how to improve the publication on the regions of Lithuania, please do not hesitate to contact the Statistics Dissemination and Communication Division of the State Data Agency by Email: