Average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy (excluding individual enterprises)

Average gross monthly earnings in the whole economy (excluding individual enterprises) according to Resolution No 409 on 13 April 2001 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the collection, processing and publication of statistical information on earnings by quarter totalled:


For more information, see the Database of Indicators.



Responsible person:
Vilma Paciuniene
Head, Labour Statistics Division
Tel. +370 656 92 589
Email vilma.paciuniene@stat.gov.lt

Document updated: 2024-02-23

Quarterly indicators on earnings and the number of employees

Annual indicators on earnings and the number  of employees

Indicators on the number of employees by gross earnings

Quarterly indicators on labour costs

Annual indicators on labour costs

Structure of earnings inicators (every 4 years)


Document updated: 2025-02-26

Remuneration and labour costs

For more information, see metadata.

Document updated: 2025-02-03

Information on this webpage is not translated into English.

Document updated: 2017-05-26