Among other priorities The State Data Agency strategy for 2023–2027 focuses on the 3rd direction “Ensure symbiotic partnership“, which envisages active participation in the development of the global statistics and EU legislative process, strengthening of communication and cooperation on the global arena / international  scale, and sharing of best practices thereof.


Incoming Irish-Lithuanian-Greek Presidency training


After several informal face-to-face meetings, the forthcoming Irish-Lithuanian-Greek Trio Presidency Team is ready to go.

The three Presidency teams met for the training "The European Statistical System – running the Council Presidency within the ESS" in Vilnius, from 24–26 October 2012.

The group of 20, composed of future chairpersons, their deputies, coordinators and experts on various legislative dossiers, took part in the three-day training. The course was run by seasoned trainers from Statistics Denmark, who have finished running their Presidency term and generously agreed to share fresh and valuable experience with colleagues from statistical offices of Ireland, Lithuania and Greece.

Document updated: 2014-01-30