Digital Economy and Society in Lithuania
(edition 2022)

ICT and the environment




As part of the European Green Deal policy, indicators on the population habits related to recycling of the unused IT devices and the importance of sustainability aspects in IT purchasing decisions are collected from 2022.


The survey results showed that 56 per cent of Internet users aged 16–74 keep their old (last replaced) or unused mobile phone or smartphone at home, one in four (26 per cent) – have sold or given it to someone else, and one in eight (12 per cent) – have disposed of it in electronic waste collection/recycling or left it to the retailer to dispose of. 43 per cent of Internet users keep an old or unused laptop or tablet at home, 31 per cent – have never owned or are still using the first device they bought, and one in ten (10 per cent) – have disposed of it in electronic waste collection/recycling or left it to the retailer to dispose of. Almost 3 per cent of internauts have simply thrown away a phone or desktop computer they no longer use, 1 per cent – have done the same with an unused laptop or tablet.

Proportion of persons by distribution of old and unused devices, 2022
Percentage of persons who have used the Internet within 3 months prior to the survey

Created with Highcharts 6.1.424.324.313.013.012.912.92.72.746.846. computerLaptop or tabletMobile or smart phoneThe device is still kept at homeIt was sold or given awayIt was disposed of in electronic wastecollection/recycling or left to theretailer to dispose ofIt was disposed of but not inelectronic waste collection/recyclingIt was never bought or the first devicepurchased is still in useOther issue0204060

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


When buying a new device (mobile or smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer), price was considered as the most important criterion by 78, hard drive characteristics and processor speed – 60, energy efficiency of the device – 29 per cent of the Internet users. The eco-design of the device (e.g. the device is sustainable, it can be repaired and modernised, it requires fewer materials to produce, it uses environmentally friendly materials for packaging, etc.) was important to 23 per cent of internauts.

Persons who considered the following characteristics important when buying a mobile or smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer, 2022
Percentage of persons who have used the Internet within 3 months prior to the survey

Created with Highcharts 6.1.477.677.660.260.228.928.923.323.315. drive characteristics,processor speedEnergy efficiency of thedeviceEcodesign of the device(durable, reparable, etc.)Possibility to buy extraguaranteeA take-back schemeoffered by manufacturer orsellerNever bought any of thesedevicesAny of the mentionedcharacteristics020406080100

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators




At the beginning of 2022, environmental protection measures were applied by 59.6 per cent of the enterprises. 58.7 per cent of enterprises apply measures to reduce the amount of paper used for printing and copying, 37.6 per cent – to reduce the amount of energy consumed by IT equipment. 58.8 per cent of enterprises, when choosing IT services or IT equipment, consider environmental impact thereof (e.g. energy consumption). The largest share of such enterprises was among large companies – 77.5 per cent.

Enterprises applying environmental measures, 2022

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Per cent59.659.658.758.737.637.656.756.756.056.035.335.368.968.967.067.044.544.586.486.485.485.460.460.4 All enterprises10–49 employees50–249 employees250 employees and over All environmental measuresReducing the amount of paper used for printing and copyingReducing the amount of energy consumption of the ICT equipment0255075100

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


Enterprises, considering environmental impact of ICT services or ICT equipment when selecting them, 2022

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Per cent58.856.865.277.5 All enterprises10–49 employees50–249 employees250 employees and over0255075100

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


74.8 per cent of enterprises indicated that IT equipment (e.g. computers, monitors, mobile phones) that is no longer in use is recovered by being collected as electronic waste and/or recycled. 48.5 per cent of enterprises keep such IT equipment in enterprise for the purpose of using spare parts and to protect sensitive information. 27.5 per cent of enterprises indicated that their IT equipment that is no longer in use is sold, returned to a leasing company or donated.

Disposing of an unused ICT equipment in enterprises, 2022

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Per cent74.874.848.548.527.527.572.072.046.846.826.326.384.884.852.552.531.331.394. All enterprises10–49 employees50–249 employees250 employees and overAn unused ICT equipment is disposed of in electronic waste collection/recyclingAn unused ICT equipment is kept in the enterpriseAn unused ICT equipment is sold, returned to a leasing enterprise, or donated0255075100

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators

For more terms and explanations, please see the Dictionary of Statistical Terms.