
Statistics Lithuania takes part in implementation of the project “Support to the implementation of EU statistical standards in the ENP-East countries”

Implementing the EU-funded project “Support to the implementation of EU statistical standards in the ENP-East countries”, Expertise France, in cooperation with Statistics Lithuania, organised a high level seminar on the Law of Official Statistics for Eastern European, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) countries on November 21–22 in Chisinau, Moldova. This seminar was dedicated to discuss the newly adopted Law of Official Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. Besides the Heads of the EECCA countries NSI’s, the representatives of the Premier Minister office, ministers of the Republic of Moldova, Director General of the Eurostat, Head of the EU delegation, ambassadors residing in the Republic of Moldova, experts from Eurostat, Swedish, UK, Croatian and Lithuanian NSIs also took part. Statistics Lithuania was represented by Head of the Strategic Planning and Official Statistics Programmes Division Daiva Jurelevičienė who provided an overview of the implemented coordination framework and practical implementation of response burden policy at Statistics Lithuania.