Income and living conditions of the population of Lithuania (edition 2021)
Absolute poverty rate
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Absolute poverty rate is calculated according to the same methodology as the at-the-risk-of poverty rate, while the method and size of calculation of the poverty threshold differs. Absolute poverty threshold refers to the amount of minimum consumption needs calculated by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania every year.
In 2020, absolute poverty threshold was EUR 257 per month for a person living alone, and EUR 540 – for family composed of two adults and two children aged under 14 (in 2019, EUR 251 and 527 respectively).
In 2020, absolute poverty rate stood at 5.1 per cent, i.e. about 140 thousand residents were living below the absolute poverty rate. In urban areas, 3.9 per cent of population (in five major cities – 2.9 per cent, in other cities and towns – 5.5 per cent) received disposable income below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold, in rural areas – 7.5 per cent.
Compared to 2019, absolute poverty rate in the country decreased by 2.6 percentage points, over four years – 10.7 percentage points.
During the period from 2016, when the calculation of absolute poverty indicators was started according to this methodology, absolute poverty rate of children under 18 years of age decreased faster than that of the retired persons. In 2020, absolute poverty rate of children under 18 years of age stood at 5.6 per cent, and compared to 2019, decreased by 2.8 percentage points, compared to 2016 – by 14.3 percentage points.
Absolute poverty rate by age group, 2016–2020
The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators
In 2020, in the households with children, the absolute poverty rate stood at 4.3 per cent, and compared to 2019, decreased by 2.3 percentage points. In the households without children, the absolute poverty rate decreased by 2.7 percentage points and stood at 5.7 per cent in 2020. In terms of household composition, persons living in households composed of one adult with dependent children and in one-person households were the most likely to find themselves in absolute poverty (the absolute poverty rate – 16.9 and 12.1 per cent respectively).
1 per cent of employed persons, 31.7 per cent of unemployed persons and 5.2 per cent of retired persons were living below absolute poverty rate. Compared to 2019, the absolute poverty rate of employed persons decreased by 0.9, that of unemployed persons – 6.5, that of retired persons – 3.3 percentage points.
For further terms, see the Dictionary of Statistical Terms.