Digital Economy and Society in Lithuania
(edition 2023)
Information is not updated; you can find the latest information in the Database of Indicators.
With the rapid development of information technologies and communications, many areas of our lives move to the digital space. The Internet and various mobile devices are integral part of our life. IT is used not only in schools and at work but also for leisure, entertainment, communication with family. We are digital society.
The development of the digital society is accelerating day by day.
Advancing technologies of new generation are gaining ground not only in everyday life but also in business and thus expand its possibilities.
The State Data Agency has prepared the publication Digital Economy and Society in Lithuania. It provides visualized statistical information on the use of IT in households and enterprises as well as the purpose and frequency of the Internet use, e-commerce, cloud computing services, data analytics in different business sectors, Artificial Intelligence technologies and the purposes of their use in companies.
Information on the IT use in households is provided by age group and sex, in enterprises – by economic activity and enterprise size group. The publication not only presents the statistical indicators but also allows the readers to examine them in more detail: the sources present tables having longer time series with the possibility to change them according to the needs, supplement them with new dimensions, download, form a diagram, republish, etc.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the Statistics Dissemination and Communication Division of the State Data Agency by E‑mail:
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