Digital Economy and Society in Lithuania
(edition 2020)

E-government services



Electronic modes of service provision have been gaining in popularity. At the beginning of 2020, 55.3 per cent of institutions provided services via the E‑Government Gateway, 97.6 per cent – by e‑mail, 75.6 per cent – provided consultations on the website, 46.4 per cent – provided information services via social networks (at the beginning of 2018, 42.1, 98.3, 69.9 and 37.2 per cent respectively).

At the beginning of 2020, 72.9 per cent of institutions provided a possibility to download various document forms, 47.4 per cent – to return filled‑in forms. 39.5 per cent of institutions provided a part of services electronically (at the beginning of 2018, 72.5, 27.5 and 33.8 per cent respectively).

E‑services provided in State and municipal institutions

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Per centChart context menu54.054.059.659.669.469.472.272.272.572.572.972.911.611.615.715.723.823.826.626.627.527.547.447. obtaining formsPossibility return filled in formsProcedure without pappers201020122014201620182020020406080

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


Provision of E-Government Gateway services in State and municipal institutions

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Per centPer centChart context menu100.0100.012.512.555.255.257.957.952.952.940.740.742. institutionsImprisonment institutionsLaw enforcement authoritiesTown and district municipalities and accountable institutionsGovernment of the Republic of Lithuania and accountable institutionsMinistries and accountable institutions Total by institutionsSeimas of the Republic of Lithuania and accountable institutionsLaw and order authoritiesState and municipality fire protection and rescue institutions0102030405060708090100110

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


At the beginning of 2020, document management (preparation, registration, scanning) systems were used by 83.5 per cent of institutions (in 2018, 78.2 per cent). 89.7 per cent of institutions used e‑delivery system for sending documents, 99.7 per cent of institutions sent documents by e‑mail, 94.2 per cent – by post or via courier (in 2018, 89.7, 99.7, and 94.2 per cent respectively). E‑documents were sent by 90, received – 96.9 per cent of institutions.

Information and communication technology systems used by State and municipal institutions
(Document management system)

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Per centPer centChart context menu100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.093.893.890.790.776.576.578.278.272.872.877.377.366.766.772.472.4100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100. administration of the Republic of LithuaniaLaw and order authoritiesCustoms institutionsImprisonment institutionsMinistries and accountable institutionsGovernment of the Republic of Lithuania and accountable institutions Total by institutionsTown and district municipalities and accountable institutionsSeimas of the Republic of Lithuania and accountable institutionsState and municipality fire protection and rescue institutionsLaw enforcement authorities0102030405060708090100110

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


Modes of provision of public and administrative services in State and municipal institutions

For more terms and explanations, please see the Dictionary of Statistical Terms.