Income and living conditions of the population of Lithuania (edition 2020)

People at risk of poverty or social exclusion


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According to the definition provided in the Europe 2020 strategy, in 2019, 26.3 per cent of population were living at risk of poverty or social exclusion (in 2018, 28.3 per cent). Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion are those who meet at least one of the following conditions: living at risk of poverty, facing severe material deprivation or living in households with very low work intensity. More than 70 per cent of persons living at risk of poverty or social exclusion fall into this category according to one of the three criteria, while one in sixteen (1.76 per cent of population) – according to all three criteria.

Share of persons living at risk of poverty or social exclusion, 2019

In terms of household composition, persons living alone and single parents were at the highest risk of poverty or social exclusion (52.2 and 49.1 per cent respectively). The smallest share of persons living at risk of poverty and social exclusion in 2019 was recorded in households consisting of three or more adults with children (12.1 per cent).

In 2019, persons living at risk of poverty or social exclusion in urban areas accounted for 23.2, in rural areas – 32.5 per cent, which is by, respectively, 0.8 and 4.4 percentage points less than in 2018.

Share of persons living at risk of poverty or social exclusion by place of residence, 2015–2019

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Per cent29.329.326.726.722.522.533.233.234.934.930. personsUrban areas5 largest citiesother townsRural areas01020304050

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by household type, 2018–2019

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Per centPer cent33.333.356.256.220.420.427. without childrenSingle person2 adults, both <65 years, without children‍‍2 adults, at least one ≥65 years, without children‍3 or more adults without childrenHouseholds with children1 adult with at least 1 child2 adults with 1 child2 adults with 2 children2 adults with ≥3 children3 or more adults with children0358101315182023252830333538404345485053555860

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators

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