Education and Culture in Lithuania
(edition 2023)

About the publication



“Education and Culture in Lithuania” is a digital publication that presents the key statistical indicators on formal and non-formal education, educational establishments and culture.

Information on the statistical information provided in the publication:

Statistical information provided in this digital publication is updated every year according to the most recent statistical information. For the convenience of the readers, the links to the tables of the Database of Indicators or other sources that present the statistical indicators on the respective topic are also provided.

Statistical information sources: Database of Indicators, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, National Agency for Education, Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, Medardas Čobotas Third Age University.

Publication structure:



Structure of the education system in Lithuania

Common education indicators

Education finance

Preschool and pre-primary education

General education

Vocational education

Higher education


Economic indicators in culture

Cultural heritage

Activities of cultural institutions

The press


About the publication

ISSN 2783-6495

Photos: Freepik.comPexels.comReal is beautiful

© Statistics Lithuania. State Data Agency, 2023