Education and Culture in Lithuania
(edition 2023)
Photo by Gytis Straševičius
Information is not updated; you can find the latest information in the Database of Indicators.
The aim of the electronic publication “Education and Culture in Lithuania” is to provide statistical information on the formal and non-formal education in Lithuania and key statistical indicators on culture in a visually attractive and convenient manner. Moreover, the publication also attempts to go beyond official statistics by providing a brief presentation of non-formal education of the elderly.
This electronic publication not only presents the statistical indicators but also allows the readers to examine them in more detail: the sources present the tables having longer time series with the possibility to supplement them with new dimensions, etc. All graphic material can be downloaded and used for own purposes, provided the source is acknowledged.
Statistical information is prepared based on the data of the Ministries of Finance and Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, National Agency for Education, Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, Medardas Čobotas Third Age University, and statistical surveys carried out by the State Data Agency.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the Statistics Dissemination and Communication Division of the State Data Agency by E‑mail:
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