Education and Culture in Lithuania
(edition 2023)

Education finance


Photo by Chiara Daneluzzi

With the current tendency in GDP growth, expenditure on education is decreasing

In 2021, general government expenditure on formal and non-formal education exceeded the level of 2020 by EUR 99.6 million and totalled EUR 2.7 billion. Over a year, the share of such expenditure of GDP decreased by 0.4 percentage point and, in 2021, accounted for 4.8 per cent (in 2020, 5.2 per cent).


General government expenditure on formal and non-formal education

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4GDP per capita,at current prices, EURExpenditure on education,compared to GDP, per cent11,182.311,182.311,846.911,846.912,475.012,475.012,856.112,856.113,558.813,558.814,947.114,947.116,246.516,246.517,506.817,506.817,828.717,828.719,995.019,995. per capita, at current prices, EURGeneral government expenditure on education, compared to GDP, per cent201220132014201520162017201820192020202105,00010,00015,00020,00025,00003691215

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


Funding for educational institutions increased

In 2022, funds received by educational institutions totalled EUR 3 billion (by EUR 452 million or 18 per cent more than in 2021).

General government funds accounted for the major share, i.e. 81 per cent (EUR 2.4 billion) of the total funds received by educational institutions. Over a year, it grew by EUR 348 million (17 per cent). The amount of funds from national natural and legal persons increased by EUR 76.5 million (23 per cent) and made up 13 per cent (EUR 406 million) of total funds received by educational institutions. Education fees from students, payments for hostels, catering represented a major proportion of these funds, i.e. 71 per cent (EUR 287 million).

In 2022, funds received by educational institutions from foreign institutions, international organisations amounted to EUR 168 million, i.e. by EUR 27 million (20 per cent) more than in 2021. Universities received the major share (EUR 127 million) of these funds.

In 2022, general government funds per person studying in an educational institution totalled, on average, EUR 4,199, the funds of national and foreign natural and legal persons – EUR 987 (in 2021, EUR 3,564 and 800 respectively).

Expenditure on wages, salaries and social insurance contributions for employees accounted for the largest proportion of education expenditure (73 per cent).


Funds, income and expenditure of educational institutions
EUR million

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


Expenditure per student

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4EUR thous. Total Pre-school establishmentGeneral schoolVocational schoolCollegeUniversity2018201920202021202202.557.510

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators