Income and living conditions of the population of Lithuania
(edition 2023)

About the publication


“Income and Living Conditions of the Population of Lithuania” is a digital publication providing information on household income and its distribution among various groups, as well as on the quality of housing, economic difficulties and possibility to satisfy certain needs.

Information on the statistical information provided in the publication:

For the convenience of the readers, the links to the Database of Indicators that presents the statistical indicators on the respective topic are also provided.

Statistical information source: Database of Indicators.




     Composition of households

     Main sources of income

Household income

     Gross and disposable income

     Concentration of income

     Depts and possibility to meet regular needs

Risk of poverty

     At risk of poverty rate

     Impact of social transfers on the at risk of poverty rate

     At risk of poverty gap

     People at risk of poverty or social exclusion

Absolute poverty

     Absolute poverty rate

     Impact of social transfers on the absolute poverty rate

Living conditions

     Material deprivation

     Housing expenditure

     Housing problems

Quality of life of residents

     Overall life satisfaction

     Satisfaction with various aspects of life

     Trust in strangers

Social and cultural activities

     Population participation in cultural life

     Participation in voluntary activities

     Communication with relatives and friends

Self perceived health

     Opinion of the residents on their health

     Chronic health problems

     Use of healthcare services

Methodical information

     About survey

     Quality indicators of estimates


About the publication

Digital publication “Income and Living Conditions of the Population of Lithuania” ISSN 2029-3720


© Statistics Lithuania. State Data Agency, 2023