Income and living conditions of the population of Lithuania
(edition 2023)

Participation in voluntary activities


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In the 12 months prior to the Survey, 7.5 per cent of the population aged 16 and older participated in formal voluntary activities organised by charity, religious or other organisations or clubs, 9.5 per cent – in informal voluntary activities (helping individuals, animals etc.). Women were more active in voluntary activities than men: 9.4 per cent of women and 5.3 per cent of men participated in formal voluntary activities, while informal voluntary activities were attended by 11 per cent of women and 7.8 per cent of men. Age did not have a significant influence on participation in voluntary activities, with only the retirement age group showing a significantly lower participation level. Compared to the results of a similar survey carried out in 2015, the proportion of the population participating in voluntary activities decreased around 2 times, but this was due to the restrictions introduced by COVID‑19.

Participation in voluntary activities or active citizenship of persons aged 16 and older

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Per centPer cent88998888555566556644991212111110106610812115869951110141356975355653612853Official voluntary activity (organized by a charity, religious or other organization or club)Informal voluntary activities (helping other people or animals or other activities, not arranged by organisation)Civic activities All persons aged 16 and olderAged 16–24 Aged 25–49 Aged 50–64 Aged 65 and older MenAged 16–24 Aged 25–49 Aged 50–64 Aged 65 and older WomenAged 16–24Aged 25–49Aged 50–64Aged 65 and older0123456789101112131415

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators