Results of the Agricultural Census 2020
(edition 2022)

About the publication




“Results of the Agricultural Census 2020” – electronic publication providing an opportunity to get acquainted with the most important, topical statistical information on Lithuanian agriculture in a visually attractive and convenient manner. 



Information on the statistical information presented in the present publication:

General agricultural census carried out in 2020, the collected and processed data have offered an opportunity to have a detailed portrait of Lithuanian agriculture. We have prepared statistical information on farms of different categories, farm size, specialisation, land and its use, working family members, hired employees and duration of their work, farms’ activities other than agricultural ones, agricultural production methods applied by farms, number of farm animals and keeping thereof, as well as manure management practices.

In this publication, statistical information is presented at the national level, statistical information of the Census 2020 is compared with the results of the Census 2010.


Publication structure:


Farms, land and land use

Agricultural crop area

Farm animals

Work in agriculture

Agricultural production methods and irrigation

Keeping of farm animals and manure management practices

Key results of the 2020 Farm Structure Survey in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Concepts and explanations

About the publication

“Results of the Agricultural Census 2020” – ISSN 2783-6509




© Statistics Lithuania, 2022