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Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing
Business statistics
Economy and finance (macroeconomics)
Environmental protection and energy
General statistics
Geographical data
International trade
Population and social statistics
Science and technology
Transport and communication
Administrative territorial division
Adult education and continuing vocational training
Agricultural censuses 2003, 2010
Air transport indicators
Alcohol, tobacco consumption and consequences
Audiovisual market
Business structure and finance
Business trends
Charity and support
Consumer survey results
Crime and criminal justice
Culture, the press, sport
Detailed international trade in goods indicators
Direct investment
Domestic trade
Economic entities in operation
Education and educational attainment of the population
Election results
Employment and unemployment
Enterprise bankruptcy
Environmental protection
Experimental statistics
Financial and insurance activities
Forestry and hunting
General government finance
General government foreign debt
General transport indicators
Income, consumption expenses, living conditions
Industrial property objects legalization
Information and communication technologies
Inland waterway transport indicators
Innovation activities
International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics
International trade in goods indicators
International trade in services
Investment in tangible fixed assets
Job vacancies and occupied posts
Karaim population
Material resources
National accounts (ESA 2010)
National accounts (ESA 95) indicators no longer updated
National Sustainable Development Indicators
Oil pipeline indicators
Population and housing censuses
Population projections
Post and telecommunications
Price indices, changes and prices
Professional activity of doctorate holders
Railway transport indicators
Registered unemployment (Lithuanian Labour Exchange data)
Religious communities and membership organisations
Remuneration and labour costs
Research and development (R&D)
Road transport
Sea transport indicators
Social protection
Stock of dwellings
Strikes and lockouts
Taxes paid
Trade in Goods with non-EU countries by Invoicing Currency
Accidents at work and occupational diseases
Accidents involving seagoing vessels
Accrued-to-date pension entitlements in social insurance
Adult education
Adult education indicators no longer updated
Agricultural crops
Agricultural machinery and buildings
Agricultural production and economic accounts for agriculture
Agricultural production methods
Agriculture, energy, transport and tourism
Agri-environmental indicators
Air emission accounts
Aircraft accident indicators
Airport indicators
Alcohol consumption and consequences
Ambient air
Animal production
Annual energy indicators
Annual indicators of investment in tangible fixed assets
Annual indicators of material resources
Annual labour force, employment and unemployment indicators
Annual oil pipeline indicators
Annual results of the survey on investment trends
Annual structural business statistics
Arrival and stay in the country and return
Assets of and creditor's claims against enterprises in bankruptcy and bankrupt enterprises
Audio and video production
Average prices of dwelling
Balance sheets for non-financial assets
Bankruptcy processes completed
Bankruptcy processes instituted
Building construction
Business demography
Business environment of innovative enterprises
Central government foreign loans
Charity and support funds
Children as victims of criminal offences and missing children
Circular migration
Composition of turnover of trade enterprises
Construction input Materials and articles price indice and changes
Construction input price index (CIPI), price changes and index weights
Consumer price index (CPI), price changes, index weights, average prices
Consumption of medicines
Continuing vocational training in enterprises
Court system and its activity indicators
Criminal justice
Crop production
Culture accounts
Data on prices for goods used for agricultural production and investment
Derivative indicators of population number
Disease incidence and prevalence
Domestic tourism
Domestic trade indicators no longer updated
Domestic violence
Dwellings and buildings
Educational attainment of the population
Educational finance
Elections to the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
Electricity prices
Enterprise expenditure on environmental conservation
Enterprises by innovation profiles
Enterprises under restructuring
Environmental goods and services sector accounts
Environmental protection expenditure accounts
Environmentally related tax accounts
European Parliament elections
Export price index (EPI), price changes and index weights
Exports of goods
Farm animals
Farming structure and agricultural censuses
Financial and insurance enterprises
Financial indicators of enterprises (public, private companies, state, municipal enterprises, etc., except for individual enterprises and natural persons)
Financial indicators of individual enterprises
Financial Indicators of Small, Medium and Large Enterprises
Financial indicators of the enterprises in bankruptcy and bankrupt enterprises to instituting the bankruptcy process
Fish catches
Fishing fleet
Fixed assets of the total economy at the beginning of the year 21 NACE Rev. 2 activities
Foreign direct investment
Forest health
Forest resources
Funding of innovation activities
General education
General government foreign debt
General indicators of education
Global Value Chains
Global Value Chains
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals
Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Goal 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Government budget appropriations or outlays on R&D (NABS 2007)
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Gross national income (GNI)
Gross national income (GNI)
Harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP), price changes, HICP at constant tax rates and index weights
Health care
Health care indicators no longer updated
Health determinants
Health interview survey
Health status
Healthy life years
Higher education
House price index (HPI), price changes and index weights
Household Budget Survey
Household energy consumption
Import price index (IPI), price changes and index weights
Imports of goods
Inbound tourism
Income and living conditions survey
Indicators no longer updated
Indicators no longer updated
Indicators of accidents of inland waterway vessels
Indicators of accommodation establishments
Indicators of economic entities
Indicators of foreign-controlled enterprises
Indicators of foreign-controlling enterprises and domestic affiliates
Indicators of freight and passengers transport by the aircraft of Lithuanian Airlines
Indicators of goods and passengers transport by rail
Indicators of goods and passengers transport by seagoing vessels under the Lithuanian flag
Indicators of goods transport by road
Indicators of I -IV quarters on investment in intangible fixed assets
Indicators of I -IV quarters on investment in tangible fixed assets
Indicators of innovative enterprises
Indicators of intermodal transport units carried by rail
Indicators of labour costs
Indicators of Lithuanian-controlled enterprises abroad
Indicators of natural persons carrying out economic activity
Indicators of purchase of agricultural products
Indicators of railway accidents
Indicators of road accidents
Indicators of road vehicles
Indicators of seaports
Indicators of service enterprises
Indicators of small and medium enterprises
Indicators of the number of aircraft
Indicators of the number of seagoing vessels
Indicators of travel agencies and tour operators
Indicators of visitor flows
Indicators of work carried out by construction enterprises
Industrial indicators no longer updated
Industrial production
Information and communication technologies in health care and social work institutions
Information and communication technologies in households
Information and communication technologies in State and municipal institutions
Innovative enterprises
Internal migration
International and internal migration
International migration
International protection
International trade in goods balance
Young people on the labour market and educational attainment
Job vacancies
Jobs skills
Juvenile criminal justice
Juvenile delinquency
Key financial ratios of enterprises (quartile and median)
Labour cost index (quarterly)
Labour indicators of trade and catering enterprises
Labour input indicators in industrial enterprises
Labour input indicators of construction enterprises
Labour market situation of foreign-born persons
Labour productivity of the national economy
Labour productivity of the national economy
Legal professionals and protective service workers in law enforcement institutions
Length of roads and expenditure on roads indicators
Lithuanian direct investment abroad
Main financial indicators of agricultural companies (enterprises)
Main indicators of income, costs and profit
Main performance indicators of free economic zones enterprises
Main structural business statistics on financial and insurance enterprises (including individual)
Management of green plantations
Manufacture of fishery products
Marine fisheries
Material flow accounts
Materials and raw materials
Membership organisations
Mineral resources
Monthly and weekly demographic indicators
Monthly business trends
Monthly energy indicators
Mortality rates
Municipal council, mayor elections
National accounts of Lithuania by institutional sector
Natural gas prices
Non-formal education institutions
Non-observed economy
Non-observed economy
Number of employees
Number of employees of enterprises in bankruptcy and bankrupt enterprises
Online platforms
Online platforms
Organic farming
Other labour statistics indicators
Outbound tourism
Owner-occupied housing price index, price changes and index weights
Payments to the employees of enterprises in bankruptcy and bankrupt enterprises from the Guarantee Fund
Passenger transport by road
Pension and labour market participation
Physical energy flow accounts
Population and health
Population and its composition
Post-secondary tertiary education
Potential additional labour force
Poverty indicators
Preschool and pre-primary education
Presidential elections of the Republic of Lithuania
Prices of extracted petroleum
Producer price index (PPI), price changes and index weights
Production of commodities
Professional activity of doctorate holders
Protected areas
Purchasing power parities (PPP)
Quarterly indicators of tourism information centres
Railway length, rolling stock and train-kilometres
Reconciliation between work and family life
Registered unemployment
Religious communities
Research and development (R&D)
Restitution of property rights to houses
Sale and rent of agricultural land
Sale of assets of enterprises in bankruptcy and bankrupt enterprises from 1993 to the end of the corresponding year
Sales income
Services producer price indicex (SPPI) and price changes
Services trade by enterprise characteristics
Short-term update of the projected population
Social (basic) indicators
Social housing
Social protection (according to ESSPROS)
Social protection (administrative data)
Social protection of children
Society and work
Sport accounts
Statistical Survey of Population Safety
Statistics on electric cars and charging stations
Stock of dwellings
Stock of fixed assets
Structural business statistics by special aggregates of economic activity codes
Structural business statistics of innovative enterprises
Structural business statistics of innovative enterprises
Structure of earnings indicators (every 4 year)
Structure of sales income of business service enterprises
Supply balance sheets for agricultural products
Support provided to foreign legal persons
Support provided to legal persons in Lithuania
Support received by legal persons in Lithuania
Survey of Social services
Taxes paid indicators no longer updated
Television activity
The land and its use
The number of employees by the size of the wage rates in October
Tobacco consumption and consequences
Tourism accounts
Trade turnover in the marketplaces
Turnover and indices of retail trade, motor vehicles and catering enterprises
Turnover and indices of wholesale trade enterprises
Turnover and network of trade and catering enterprises
Unmet needs for health care
Use of electronic services
Use of information and communication technologies in enterprises