Income and living conditions of the population of Lithuania
(edition 2023)

Composition of households


Photo from

In 2022, the average household size was 2 persons (in urban and rural areas – 1.98 and 2.06 persons respectively). Compared to 2021, the average household size slightly decreased.

Households composed of a single person accounted for 45 per cent of the total number of households. Households composed of families with children made up 27 per cent of the total number of households: in urban areas – 28 per cent, in rural areas – 25 per cent. In urban areas, there were more one-parent families consisting of one adult with dependent children, while in rural areas – more households composed of one person. In urban areas, one-parent families accounted for 7 per cent, in rural areas – 5 per cent, one‑person – 45 and 46 per cent respectively.

Households by type, 2022

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4Single person45.4 per centSingle person45.4 per cent2 adults, both <65 years, without children12.7 per cent2 adults, both <65 years, without children12.7 per cent2 adults, at least one 65+ years or over, without children10.1 per cent2 adults, at least one 65+ years or over, without children10.1 per cent3 or more adults without children5.0 per cent3 or more adults without children5.0 per centOne adult with at least one child6.6 per centOne adult with at least one child6.6 per centTwo adults with one child8.1 per centTwo adults with one child8.1 per centTwo adults with two children7.8 per centTwo adults with two children7.8 per centTwo adults with three children and more1.5 per centTwo adults with three children and more1.5 per cent3 or more adults with children2.8 per cent3 or more adults with children2.8 per cent

For further terms, see the Dictionary of Statistical Terms.