Experimental statistics

Statistics on electric cars and charging stations



In 2023, the State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania) has conducted a project, "Statistics on electric vehicles and charging stations".

The main objective of this project was to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the usage of electric vehicles in Lithuania, the infrastructure of charging stations, and to calculate the consumption of electricity for vehicle charging and to ensure regular data production and integration into annual energy statistics.

Based on the data of the Transport and Tourism Statistics Division of the State Data Agency , several types of electric vehicles are used in Lithuania.


Number of electric vehicles at the end of the year


Plug-in hybrids can also be classified as electric vehicles. According to the data of the State Enterprise "Regitra", 4,940 plug-in hybrids were registered in Lithuania at the end of 2022.

In 2022, trolleybuses consumed 33,621 MWh of electricity, buses – 2,183 MWh.

Based on the data of the Lithuanian Technical Inspection Association "Transeksta", in 2022, electric trucks run an average of 14,254 km each, motorcycles and mopeds – 1,012 km each.


Distance travelled by electric cars, electricity consumption in 2020–2022





Average distance travelled, km




Average electricity consumption kWh/100 km




Electricity consumption, MWh 





Number of electric passenger cars at the end of the year by region and county in 2022

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Most common electric cars models in Lithuania in 2022


Number of electric passenger cars by year of manufacture in 2022


Maps cover the 2019–2022 statistics of public and semi-public electric car charging stations in Lithuania’s municipalities by exact location, prices, accessibility within 15 minutes by car.

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This project was funded by the European Union.

The content of this project represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.