Experimental statistics
Online platforms

State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania) has conducted an experimental analysis of Internet platforms (i.e. Internet platforms managed by Lithuanian and foreign companies) available on the territory of Lithuania. Public sector Internet platforms providing public and/or administrative services have not been included in the study.
Internet (online) platform is a digital service that facilitates the interaction of two or more different but interrelated groups of users (companies or individuals) via the Internet.
Internet platforms are becoming a strong driving force for innovation, and play a crucial role in the digital society and economy of Lithuania and the whole world. Internet platform areas include various activities, such as online marketplaces, social media, creative content stores, app stores, price comparison sites, communication services, payment systems, collaborative/share economy platforms, information search systems. They widen choice of goods and services, give rise to the efficiency and competitiveness of industry, and can increase consumers’ involvement in society.
By the nature of platform services, we have grouped Internet platforms available on the territory of Lithuania by the service areas.
Internet platforms available on the territory of Lithuania, by service areas
Internet platforms available on the territory of Lithuania – 100 per cent.
Almost a third (31.5 per cent) of Lithuanian enterprises managing Internet platforms, by their main economic activity, are classified as information and communication activities; the platforms they manage are websites for various services or specialized advertisements. Wholesale and retail trade companies rank second (19.4 per cent), online marketplaces dominate among the platforms managed by them. Main economic activities of other Lithuanian enterprises managing Internet platforms are extremely varied, they do not always correspond to the nature of the Internet platform's services.
Lithuanian enterprises, Internet platform managers, by type of economic activity
All Lithuanian enterprises, Internet platform managers – 100 per cent
Kind of economic activity
C Manufacturing
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
H Transportation and storage
I Accommodation and food service activities
J Information and communication activities
K Financial and insurance activities
L Real estate activities
M Professional, scientific and technical activities
N Administrative and support service activities
P Education
Q Human health and social work activities
R Arts, entertainment and recreation activities
S Other service activities
By the legal form of the enterprise (as in the whole economy of the country), closed joint‑stock companies dominate, accounting for 76.6 per cent of all Lithuanian companies managing the platforms. Among Internet platform managers, small associations (partnerships) represent 17.8 per cent – it is likely that they were created in order to legitimize the economic activity of the Internet platform.
Lithuanian enterprises, Internet platform managers, by the legal form of the company
All Lithuanian companies, managers of Internet platforms – 100 per cent
The dominance of UABs (closed joint-stock companies) and small associations (partnerships) among Lithuanian enterprises, platform managers is also confirmed by the distribution of companies according to the number of their employees. Almost two‑thirds (65.3 per cent) of the platform managers are micro‑enterprises with up to 10 employees. 1.6 per cent of platform managers are classified as large companies (with over 250 employees).
Lithuanian enterprises, Internet platform managers, by the groups of employees’ number
Without a separate survey of the activities of Internet platforms, there is no way to accurately assess the economic benefits they provide. According to the annual turnover of Lithuanian companies, platform managers, companies whose turnover does not exceed EUR 2 million dominate. Enterprises whose annual turnover totals EUR 11 million and more account for 6.4 per cent.
Lithuanian enterprises, Internet platform managers, by the groups of turnover size
All Lithuanian companies, managers of Internet platforms – 100 per cent
Statistical analysis of Internet platforms was carried out without a direct survey. Data source is the empirical identification of Internet platforms available on the territory of Lithuania. For information about Lithuanian companies, Internet platform managers, available statistical data, such as type of economic activity, legal form, number of employees, size of turnover, have been used. Reasons reducing the accuracy of statistical information are as follows:
there are no geographical restrictions, platform activities are not limited to the users of one country;
one company can manage quite a number of Internet platforms for providing different services, which makes it difficult to connect these statistics with other indicators (for example, one company has 9 different platforms for classifieds pages, another company has 6 platforms for accommodation services, classifieds pages, labour market services).