Experimental statistics

Global value chains


2020–2022 Statistics Lithuania has been implementing the project “Global Value Chains - International Supply Survey”.

Global value chains are a set of goods and services required to be produced and carried out in different geographical areas (regions, countries, etc.). It is the movement of raw materials, goods and services between countries. The aim of the survey is to review the extent of Lithuania 's participation in global value chains.



Number of persons employed by business functions at the end of the year


Number of enterprises sourced business functions

Number of enterprises that took part in the global purchasing/supplying

Number of sourced business functions

Global supplying of services

Global purchasing of services

Global supplying of goods and materials

Global purchasing of goods and materials

International sourcing

This project was funded by the European Union

The content of this project represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.