Experimental statistics
Structural business statistics of innovative enterprises
Analysis and comparison of business structure indicators of innovation active enterprises in 2018-2020
In 2020–2023, the State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania) participated in the project "R&D and Innovation Statistics" initiated by Eurostat. It included the analysis of statistical data by applying micro data linking of business structure indicators (Micro Data Linking – MDL) of the enterprises that participated in the Innovative Activity Survey (for the 2018–2020 period) and of the same enterprises for the 2015–2020 period. New indicators of both innovation active and not innovation active enterprises were developed.
The Innovative Activity Survey is carried out according to the common methodology prepared by the European Union Statistical Office (Eurostat) every 2 years, the survey period is 3 years. The survey population is operating industrial and service enterprises (performing activities assigned to sections and divisions B, C, D, E, G46, H, J, K, M71, M72, M73 according to EVRK Rev. 2) with 10 or more employees. The survey sample is formed by random selection, according to the size of enterprises (number of employees in the enterprise) and type of economic activity.
During the Innovative Activities Survey (for the 2018–2020 period), 2,174 enterprises were surveyed, which accounted for 29 per cent of the whole surveyed population. In 2018–2020, in Lithuania, 53 per cent of enterprises carried out innovative activities. When performing micro data linking, data of the enterprises engaged in financial and insurance activities (assigned to Section K according to EVRK Rev. 2) have not been included.
Main conclusions of the analysis
Turnover of innovation active enterprises is 3–4 times higher compared to the turnover of not innovation active enterprises.
Average turnover per enterprise
EUR million
Although innovative enterprises accounted for 53 per cent of all enterprises that participated in the analysis, during 2015–2020, they generated 82–83 per cent of the value added created by these enterprises.
Enterprise value added at factor costs
Compared to all enterprises, per cent
Average value added per enterprise at factor costs in innovative enterprises was on average 4 times higher than the value added created by not innovation active enterprises.
Average value added per enterprise at factor costs
EUR million
Labour productivity of innovation active enterprises (value added per employed person, at current prices) was by EUR 10–12 thousand higher compared to the labour productivity of not innovation active enterprises.
Enterprise labour productivity (value added per employed person)
EUR thousand per employee
Annual labour costs of enterprises (wages and salaries)
Compared to all enterprises, per cent
Average annual labour costs (wages and salaries) of enterprises per employee¹
EUR thousand
¹ Since 1 January 2019, rates of state social insurance contributions paid by the employer and the employee have been changed..
Within the relevant 2015–2020 period, innovation active enterprises mainly invested in tangible assets, and the share of these aggregate investments accounted for approximately 90 per cent of all investment in tangible assets.
Enterprise gross investment in tangible assets
Compared to all enterprises, per cent
The survey is partially funded by the EU.
The content of this project represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains..