Statistical yearbook of Lithuania (edition 2019)

Enterprise statistics


Information of the chapter will be supplemented

Photo from

This chapter presents the Structural Business Survey data. The survey is carried out annu­ally and covers enterprises of all eco­no­mic ac­tivities, except for agriculture and financial in­ter­me­dia­­tion. For the preparation of statis­tical informa­tion, se­ve­ral da­ta sour­ces were used: annual en­ter­­pri­se ac­tivity re­ports (F‑01), submitted to Statistics Lithua­nia, annu­al financial state­ments (balance sheet and profit/loss statement) of enterprises, col­lec­ted by the state en­ter­prise Centre of Regis­ters, profit tax returns of individual en­ter­pri­ses, as well as in­for­mation on natural persons carrying out econo­mic activity.

Due to different principles of accounting, statis­ti­­cal information on assets, property and liabilities, income, profit and loss covers only public and private companies, state and municipal enter­prises, foreign affiliates, small part­nerships, agricultural and cooperative partnerships, public bodies (hereinafter referred to as “companies”). The public bodies included are only those which cover more than half of their operating costs with the revenue earned and those agricultural partnerships whose economic activity is not agriculture. Data on revenue, expenditure and profit of individual enterprises as well as on the number of natural persons and their income are presented separa­tely. From 2010, to charac­terise busi­ness development, the main indicators covering enter­prises of all eco­nomic acti­vities are presented at the beginning of the chapter.

In 2019, Statistics Lithuania introduced a new statistical unit of the enterprise. From reporting year 2018, the enterprise is constituted of one legal unit, a combination of legal units, or part of a legal unit (until 2017, the enterprise consisted of one legal unit or part of a legal unit). The enterprise is equated to combination of legal units in cases where the legal units are part of an enterprise group and their combined activities form an operating segment. The 2018 provisional data are calculated by a new statistical unit of the enterprise.

In 2018, based on provisional data, there were 256.9 thousand enterprises operating in the country, and they employed 1 million 72.9 thousand employees. Over the year, the number of enterprises increased by 8.4 thousand or 3.4 per cent, the number of persons employed – by 15.5 thousand or 1.5 per cent.

In 2018, the turnover of enterprises amounted to nearly EUR 95 billion and, compared to 2017, increased by EUR 7.9 billion or 2.1 per cent. The value added at factor cost generated by enterprises amounted to EUR 21.4 billion, i.e. by EUR 1.9 billion or 9.9 per cent more than in 2017. On average, value added at factor cost generated by one employee (converted in full-time equivalent) amounted to EUR 24.7 thousand, i.e. by 7.4 per cent more than in the previous year.

Due to the change of statistical unit of the enterprise, the number of enterprises decreased by 382 legal units, the turnover – by EUR 2 billion, the transactions between legal units eliminated.

In 2018, the net profit of companies (except individual enterprises and natural persons carrying out economic activity) amounted to nearly EUR 4.5 billion and, compared to previous year, decreased by EUR 45 million or 1 per cent. The assets of the companies amounted to EUR 83.2 billion and, compared to 2017, increased by EUR 4.3 billion or 5.5 per cent. The liabilities of the companies increased more than equity: equity amounted to EUR 40.5 billion and accounted for 48.7 per cent of total assets of the companies; compared to 2017, it in­creased by 2.1 per cent. In 2018, the liabilities of the companies (grants and subsidies, provisions, current and non-current liabilities, payables, accrued expenses and deferred income) amounted to EUR 42.7 billion and accounted for 51.3 per cent of total assets of the companies; compared to 2017, increased by 8.9 per cent.

Due to the change of statistical unit of the enterprise, net profit of the companies decreased by EUR 140 million, assets – by EUR 2.4 billion, equity – by EUR 1.9 billion, payable amounts – EUR 0.5 billion, dividend income from investment in subsidiaries or parent companies, property rights, payable and receivable amounts within legal entity groups eliminated.

In 2018, there were nearly 11 thousand individual enterprises in the country, which is by 1 thousand enterprises or 8.6 per cent less than in 2017. Income received by individual enterprises amounted to EUR 1.7 billion, net profit – EUR 101 million. Over a year, income of individual enterprises remained almost unchanged, while net profit decreased by EUR 19 million or 16 per cent.

In 2018, there were nearly 169 thousand natural persons carrying out economic activity by certificate (self-employed); income received by such natural persons amounted to EUR 2 billion. Compared to 2017, their number increased by 8 thousand or 5 per cent, their income grew by EUR 110 million or 5.9 per cent.

Turnover by location of activity and kind of economic activity, 2018
   EUR thous.

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


Apyvarta, pridėtinė vertė ir darbdavio išlaidos, tenkančios vienam sąlyginiam darbuotojui
   Natural persons carrying out economic activity excluded

Created with Highcharts 6.1.4EUR thous. per full-time employeeValue added per full-time employeeEmployer's expenditure per full-time employee2010201120122013201420152016201720180255075100125


Nefinansų įmonių pagrindiniai verslo struktūros rodikliai







Number of enterprises

131 849

224 623

235 043

248 519

256 883*

Number of employees

771 287

906 188

925 933

936 315

944 495*

Turnover, EUR thous.

52 832 782

76 095 200

78 072 669

87 066 872

94 948 224*

Production value, EUR thous.

34 813 932

47 812 460

48 634 690

54 229 670

60 728 927*

Value added at factor cost, EUR thous.

9 756 441

16 381 763

17 622 074

19 469 533

21 397 917*

* Provisional data

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


Balance sheet
Individual enterprises and natural persons carrying out economic activity are excluded
As of 31 December, EUR thousand







Number of enterprises

131 849

224 623

235 043

248 519

256 883*

Fixed assets of enterprises

37 788 733

44 720 303

47 370 768

47 077 014

48 675 920

Intangible assets of enterprises

832 079

1 191 636

1 348 657

1 467 996

1 508 295

Tangible assets of enterprises

26 033 007

28 996 911

30 188 076

29 101 194

30 963 686

Financial assets of enterprises

10 532 751

14 153 955

15 397 363

15 998 022

15 526 567

Other fixed assets of enterprises

390 895

377 801

436 671

509 801

677 372

Current assets of enterprises

19 848 746

26 958 726

28 398 209

31 271 098

33 831 305


6 747 062

8 665 588

8 766 868

9 695 309

10 727 824*

Payments on account

608 597

869 809

749 447

906 632

959 430*

Amounts receivable by enterprises within one year

8 853 179

12 000 287

13 212 561

14 478 163

15 424 149

Cash and cash equivalents of enterprises

2 885 650

5 323 761

5 910 782

6 498 354

7 065 171

Assets, equity and liabilities of enterprises

57 637 479

71 679 030

76 167 679

78 869 511

83 185 281


15 945 614

19 498 333

19 620 153

17 883 669

16 665 648

Share premium account

1 794 283

2 264 895

1 979 801

1 973 996

2 109 267

Revaluation reserve

1 321 816

725 380

641 887

717 123

857 899


3 083 028

2 598 132

2 544 846

2 688 641

2 743 376

Profit, loss (-) brought forward

6 378 615

12 435 527

14 598 760

16 425 652

18 128 418

Subsidies, grants

2 320 626

2 863 378

2 775 752

2 473 579

2 567 369


761 242

898 117

458 363

567 318

704 944

Amounts payable by enterprises in one year and fixed liabilities of enterprises

11 314 294

12 464 699

14 083 599

15 067 623

16 805 607




3 864 133

4 635 853

5 522 017

Amounts owned to credit institutions

10 253 981

11 161 817

5 941 817

5 509 990

5 769 347

Debts to suppliers

310 120

273 544

472 840

589 859

492 200

Amounts payable by enterprises within one year and current liabilities of enterprises

14 717 957

17 930 570

19 076 657

20 565 914

21 926 359




1 949 750

2 051 334

2 114 888

Amounts owned to credit institutions

3 397 153

4 075 006

2 422 153

2 625 999

2 965 014

Debts to suppliers

6 662 413

7 988 237

7 840 534

8 038 637

8 591 562

* Provisional data
… Data not available, although the phenomenon existed

The latest and detailed data are available in the Database of Indicators


Profit (loss) statement

Income, costs and profit

Production costs

Main financial indicators of individual enterprises

Income of natural persons carrying out economic activity

Main structural business statistics on foreign-controlled enterprises in Lithuania by country

Main structural business statistics on foreign-controlled enterprises in Lithuania by economic activity

Bankruptcy processes instituted and completed by economic activity

For further terms, see the Dictionary of Statistical Terms.